March 2025
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Southern Comforts
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2023/2024 Season
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My Team
Premier Division
Force 8
Kango Gang
Teign Village
Division 1
Clay Pigeons
King Pins
Newton Rangers
Parish Rogues
Southern Comforts
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League Tables
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British Skittles Championships
Berkely and District Skittles League
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Evesham Skittles League
Paulton and District Skittles League
Stroud and District Skittles League
Tiverton and District Skittles League
Totnes Skittles League
Finals Day is on 10th May at The Oakford Club. 2024/2025 Season and A.G.M. now ready to view. As COVID is still among us please continue to use sanitiser as needed. Please ignore licence message if displayed. Investigation ongoing.
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Finals Day is on 10th May at The Oakford Club. 2024/2025 Season and A.G.M. now ready to view. As COVID is still among us please continue to use sanitiser as needed. Please ignore licence message if displayed. Investigation ongoing.
Latest Results
League Home Team Score (446) - Force 8 League Away Team Score (471) - Force 8 Team Overall Average (420.92) - Force 8 League Home Player Score (83) - Alan Hewings (Force 8) League Away Player Score (82) - Jerry Cleverdon (Livewires) League Home Female Score (67) - Jeannette Taylor (Ringers) League Away Female Score (73) - Dawn Dickinson (Checkmates) Competition Home Team Score (444) - Force 8 Competition Away Team Score (443) - King Pins Competition Home Player Score (73) - Alan Hewings (Force 8) Competition Away Player Score (72) - Darrin Burley (Falcons) Competition Home Female Score (69) - Amanda Bailey (Castaways) Competition Away Female Score (62) - Sally Orton (Southern Comforts) There are no 27 Leg or other Leaderboard scores recorded for 2024/2025 season.
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MINUTES OF AGM HELD ON WEDNESDAY 5TH JUNE 2024 AT KINGSTEIGNTON RBL The meeting started at 7.40pm. The meeting was opened by John Balment who welcomed everything and then handed over to Pam. Pam passed on apologies from Keith Smith and John Caunter The 2023 minutes were read out - Keith opened with thanking all teams for attending. He apologised for the delay in the cups which was an oversight on his behalf and they will available in a couple of weeks. Proposed Roy Stephens Checkmates and seconded Andy Harris Aardvarks The 2022 minutes were not read out, they were sent out to all teams prior to the meeting by email. Proposed Paul Edwards Teign Village and seconded Jerry Cleverdon Livewires TREASURER'S REPORT - A copy of the report in detail can be requested by emailing the league. It was agreed the fees for this coming season will be £75.00 per team Proposed Andy Harris Aardvarks and seconded John Bibbings Parish Rogues SECRETARY'S REPORT There is nothing really to report this year. I feel the season ran smooth without any hiccups. Our mini finals day again I believe was a success and would like thank the Oakford Club for accommodating this again. Devon County this year the men’s were held at North Molton, the Men’s team (Force 8) were runners up and Alan Hewings came runner up in the Individuals. The ladies this year were played at Boots & Laces, they got beat in the second but our Individual representative Jenny Thompson only went on to win the competition. There will be an interleague competition this year to be held at Boots & Laces on Saturday 15th June, Force 8 and Kango Gang (last year’s winners) will be representing the Men and the Ladies will be entering 2 teams. It has been a long time since we could say we have enough ladies for 2 teams, it is great to see new faces. I wish both the Men’s and Ladies good luck. Please can we ask you if you do need to contact us please ring after 6.00pm or even email as this is looked at regularly and not the weekends I do work full-time. Keith is available if I am not but again he also looks at the emails. One last little nag from me, sorry, I need all results in by the end of Monday so I can keep the website up to date. I shouldn’t have to keep chasing, yes I should have fined you ... but I will if it is necessary from next season.. I don’t want to have to do that. If you aren’t using the online scoring and are sending your score sheets by email, some of them are really blurred which means I am having trouble reading some of scores and names. Please can you make that the names and scores are printed clearly. Online scoring is really easy, if I can use it anyone can. If you need the login details and instructions then please let me know. I personally would like to thank Mark Thompson (Gulls) and Gordon Hughes and Merv Sanders (Breakaways) for their help on Finals Day with the scoring and of course we couldn’t do without our dedicated committee members. So it just leaves Keith and I say to that we wish you all another successful and safe season. Proposed Sylvia Edwards Teign Village Seconded Jerry Cleverdon Livewires TREASURER'S REPORT Apologies from John Caunter for not being at the AGM. A copy of the report in detail can be requested by emailing the league. I would suggest that registrations for the coming season remain at £75.00 per team and honorariums are reduced slightly. Proposed Ger Beer Teign Village and seconded Merv Sanders Breakaways HONORARIUMS – to remain the same – a unanimous vote in favour Secretary - £500.00 Chairman and Treasurer - £375.00 Proposed Paul Edwards Teign Village and seconded Jeannette Taylor Ringers Jerry Cleverdon said that he felt the honorariums should remain the same as nobody would take the roles on and there would be no league. ELECTION OF OFFICERS-THOSE WISHING TO STAND- Chairman - Keith Smith Vice-Chairman - Alan Howard Treasurer - John Caunter Secretary - Pam Murray Proposed Andy Harris Aardvarks and seconded Roy Stephenson Checkmates ELECTION COMMITTEE - Ger Beer Sylvia Edwards Steve Edgington Andy Harris Margaret Saxton Gary Saxton Jerry Cleverdon Proposed Rob Meadows King Pins and seconded Jonathan Bibbings Parish Rogues Vic Beer has stood down from the Committee. ROLL CALL Presentation of cups by John Balment Meeting closed at 9.00pm
President: John Balment esq
Chairman: Mr Keith Smith 1 Rosemary Avenue Newton Abbot Tel: 01626 361138
Vice Chairman: Mr A. Howard Tel: 01626 364165
Hon. Treasurer: Mr J. Caunter, 27 Swallowfield Rise Torquay TQ2 7SF Tel: 07773233037
Secretary: Mrs Pam Murray 73 Orleigh Cross Newton Abbot Tel: 01626 335753
Hon. Life Members: Mrs B. Vincent K. Smith Esq M. Bush Esq
Committee: Mrs G. Beer Mrs M Saxton Mrs S Edwards
Messrs. S. Edgington A Harris J Cleverdon G Saxton
1. The League shall be known as "Newton Abbot and District Skittle League" and is limited to a maximum of Ninety-Six teams. The purpose of the League is to promote the playing of competitive indoor skittles. 2. The League will consist of a President (elected for three years), Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, three Secretaries, Treasurer and Auditor (all elected for one year). 3. (i) The general management of the League shall be vested in a committee of seventeen together with a Chairman and Vice Chairman who will have the power to co-opt. (ii) Five committee members to form a quorum. (iii) Any Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings shall forfeit their place on the Committee. (iv) Committee members must be registered with a Newton Abbot Team. (v) The Committee will have the power to decide and amend rules and any issue not contained or already covered by these Rules with the exception of the Constitution, which must be decided at the AGM. 4. (i) The AGM shall be at a venue and date fixed by the committee but must be held no later than the last day in June. (ii) A statement of accounts (duly audited) shall be presented. (iii) At the AGM all Officers and Committee to stand for re-election. Nominations for Officers and Committee and all propositions duly seconded (in writing) must be in the hands of the Secretary by the date specified on the notification card. (iv) All teams must send at least one representative to the AGM. Failure to comply will result in a £5 fine. (v) At all General meetings, fifteen members shall form a quorum (excluding Officers and Committee). (vi) A special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee or upon receipt of seven days notice in writing and must be signed by not less than 10% op Captains (excluding Officers and Committee) to discuss the subject in the requisition. 5. The Committee shall have the power to accept or reject any application to join the league. 6. Any team failing to register on a paying-in night (to be held before the AGM) will be expelled from the League without exception. 7. Voting at all AGM s will be counted on a one team - one vote basis. NOTE In the event of a dispute arising over any Rule during a match, the match must continue to be played as per the scheduled fixture and the dispute put in writing to the committee whose decision shall be final. ALLEYS 8. All Alleys to be inspected by the Committee and shall conform to the following regulations:- Minimum length 30 feet from the throwing line to the back end of the diamond Throwing line must be at least 6 feet from back the back wall The diamond must be square with a 2-inch border painted white Pin spots to be painted white and have a ball clearance of 1¼ inches No pins or balls can be changed during the season without approval of the Committee. All pins and balls on an alley must be uniform in weight, shape and size. FEES 9. Team registration cards & fees to be returned at the time and place as notified. Under 14 s must be registered before playing in a league match. Additional player registration forms to be returned to the Secretary. No new player can play in a match before the Captain has telephoned the Secretary for confirmation that the registration has been received. 10. Alley fees of £5.00 per team to be collected by each team and handed to the Home Team Captain before the match starts who will then pay the total money £10.00 to the appropriate person, unless venue states no fee. GENERAL As agreed teams may field six players and may award themselves a score of 38 pins for players seven and eight. If less than six players only player seven and eight will receive the 38 pins. 11. Teams shall consist of a minimum of eight registered players who shall play for only one team. Any person found having registered for more than one team will be banned for the season. 12. Players may transfer from one team to another subject to the following:- Transfers may only take place up to the 1st March and are only valid when both the old team Captain and the new team Captain have notified the Secretary in writing that the transfer is agreed. The Secretary will then notify the new Captain that the transfer has been validated and only then will the player be allowed to play for the new team. 13. All players must register on the appropriate card issued by the League and must print and sign their name and do so in ink with their title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, etc.). Players under 18 years of age to write their date of birth 14. Captains must ensure that the Secretary is notified immediately of any change in circumstances regarding name, address and telephone number (a contact telephone number must be given). 15. No registered player under the age of 14 will be allowed to play in any match booked on a public house alley under the Licensing Act 1964 where alcohol can be supplied from a bar within the alley. Any offending team will be fined £5 and shall forfeit points for matches so played. 16. If any player or team is found guilty of ungentlemanly conduct then the Committee shall have the power to suspend them and deduct or award points as necessary. If any player or team is found guilty of ungentlemanly conduct they will be entitled,if they so wish,to a personal hearing with the committee if they ask for one. 17. All members, when visiting clubs, must sign the visitors book personally or as required by club rules. 18. Captains who are fined in accordance with rules will be given fourteen days in which to pay the fine after which time they will be liable to have 2 POINTS deducted. 19. All trophies awarded by the League are perpetual and cannot be worn outright. All trophies will be presented at the presentation evening. LEAGUE MATCHES 20. The start time is 8 p.m. after this time, no other player must take part in the match even if the team is short. Before the commencement of the match the signatures of all the players taking part must be written on the back of the score sheet and they must be the player s own signature and in ink prefixed by their title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss). All parts of the score sheet to be correctly filled in. Captains signatures will endorse that entries are correct. The record sheet sent in and details entered on them will be the ones accepted by the Secretary. 21. Each Captain will be responsible for ensuring the details of his own team are correct on the score sheet. The home team Captain will be responsible for sending the completed score sheet to the Secretary by Monday noon. Captains who fail to do this will be fined £5 for each offence. 22. All matches to be played on the date in the fixture book. NO CANCELLED MATCHES will be allowed with three exceptions:- (i) a team member or close family bereavement (ii) adverse weather as deemed by the police authority (iii) teams may play before the fixture date providing BOTH Captains agree. Teams cancelling, having notified the Secretary, within forty-eight hours will forfeit two points to their opponents and no fine will be imposed. Any team that fails to inform the Secretary within forty-eight hours will forfeit two points to their opponents and shall be fined £5. Any cancelling team will be responsible for both sets of alley fees. 23. Any team playing a non-registered player shall be fined £5 and lose any points in the match. 24. Any player with a legitimate excuse who wishes to throw off his or her legs may do so with the agreement of both Captains providing there is not a reserve player in attendance. 25. The front pin must be marked before the commencement of the game, (Self-adhesive tape is suggested). 26. Stickers-up shall not stand up any "out of play" pins or return any balls until the hand is completed. 27. All pins outside the diamond to be out of play. In the event of a no-ball, the pins knocked down will remain out of play until the three hands are completed and will not count. Line watcher must be on line. A pin is considered out of play when no part of it is touching the diamond s white line. 28. All players must conform to the foot line whereby the ball must be released before a player reaches or steps over the line. A no-ball shall be called if a player has not got both feet inside the side lines of the alley as marked. 29. Captains to be the deciding factor in any dispute during any match and other members of the team are asked to remain silent. 30. After the completion of six legs, the team with the highest aggregate score will be the winner and awarded 2 points. In the event of a draw, both teams will be awarded one point. If, when the final league tables are compiled, there are two teams or more on equal points and tying for champions, runners-up or relegation, then the teams concerned will play an extra game to decide. Any teams failing to play this extra game for any reason shall be fined £10 and expelled for the league for twelve months. CUP MATCHES 31. All matches must be played on the date fixed by the Secretary. No postponements will be allowed. Cup matches to take precedent over League matches of the competing teams. In the event of a draw then an extra leg is to be played. Where applicable, all the foregoing rules for league matches apply. Lil Balment Memorial Cup (Highest Ladies score of the season) A memorial cup in memory of Lil will be awarded each year for the highest ladies score.Captains will be responsible for informing the secretary of their ladies score,provision has been made on the scoresheets. CUPS All perpetual cups must be returned each year no later than 1st April without a reminder. Teams failing to do so will impose a £20 fine for each cup not returned. Rule 18 will be implemented. ALL CUPS TO BE RETURNED CLEAN OR A CHARGE OF £5.00 WILL BE MADE GDRP STATEMENT THE LEAGUE ACKNOWLEDGES ITS RESPONSIBILITIES IN RESPECT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF DATA HELD ELECTRONICALLY. IF ANY VENUES, TEAMS OR INDIVIDUALS DO NOT WANT THEIR DATA TO BE VISIBLE ON THIS WEBSITE PLEASE CONTACT A COMMITTEE MEMBER AND IT WILL BE REMOVED. IT IS THE POLICY OF THE LEAGUE TO USE ALL ITS DATA JUDICIOUSLY FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL NOT BE FORWARDED, COPIED OR SOLD TO THIRD PARTY INTERESTS.
Data Protection and Legal Disclaimer
1. General Data Protection Regulation. The League acknowledges its responsibilities in respect of the management of data held electronically. If any Venues, Teams or individuals do not want their data to be visible on this website please contact a Committee member and it will be removed. It is the policy of the League to use all its data judiciously for maintenance purposes only and will not be forwarded, copied or sold to third party interests. Private or sensitive information should not be posted on this website. 2. Website disclaimer. The League's website is frequently updated to reflect recent match details and other information but no assurances are made for any particular period. Any and all data shown on the website is for informational use only and its accuracy/integrity cannot be guaranteed. The League accepts no liability at all for the use of the website by any individual or organisation.
Data Protection (GDPR) Website
The League was formed in 1935, it covers Newton Abbot and Teignbridge districts. There are currently 2 Divisions with 12 Teams in each. League matches are scheduled during the Winter Season from August to the following April/May. In addition to League matches there may be 4 Major and 4 Associated Competitions matches played within the Winter Season. A Memorial Cup is presented to the Highest Lady (or Ladies) score in any match played in the Season.
Fixtures Overview
Preliminary Rounds
Finals Day
There are currently three type of Matches used within the League. 1. League Matches: are created by a League Secretary for a given Season, every attempt to provide alternate Home and Away matches is sought. 2. Major Competition Matches: are created by a League Secretary to fit within the Season for Brinton, Woodbine, Glass and Plate trophies. 3. Associated Competition Matches: are created by a League Secretary to fit within the Season but are focussed on smaller Teams and individual trophies. The competitions are comprised of: Ladies 3-A-Side, Ladies Veterans, Ladies Individuals Mens 3-A-Side , Mens Veterans , Mens Individuals Variant Matches created for special occasions There is also a Memorial Cup for the highest lady score in any match for the season.This website is generally sectioned in to League and Competition areas but there may be statistics which include all match types.
No information to date.
Associated Competitions have not yet been scheduled.
No information to date.